Wednesday 31 July 2013

Will Grayson, Will Grayson, by John Green & David Levithan

Will Grayson, Will Grayson, by John Green & David Levithan
Published by Penguin

One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, teenager Will Grayson crosses paths with ... Will Grayson! Two teens with the same name who run in two very different circles suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions. Culminating in epic turns-of-heart on both of their parts, they team up to produce the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high-school stage.
 I've had this on my Kindle for a while, but having seen Jo's (Once Upon a Bookcase's) great blog post on Will Grayson, Will Grayson, I thought I'd leap on her coattails a little and mark the end of LGBT month. The book discusses homosexuality in a way that some teens may be able to relate to.

The story is told from the perspectives of both Will Graysons, with alternating chapters. The first is written by John Green, and Will is a somewhat awkward teen, dealing with life by deciding not to care. I loved John Green's The Fault in our Stars, and his writing voice was really clear in his version of Will Grayson. David Levithan writes the second Will. I haven't read David Levithan before, so I couldn't compare his chapters to anything else. I originally found his chapters a little disconcerting though - they were written without capital letters. The plots that unfold in his chapters about Isaac, however, were really imaginative and I found them really interesting.

The two Wills are linked by a character called Tiny, who is the first Will's best friend. His name is ironic, and he's described to be really large, in all senses of the word. He's extremely flamboyant, and is said to go through love interests really quickly. Throughout the book he organises a play called Tiny Dancer, which is performed at the end of the book. There were vulnerabilities and flaws about Tiny that made the book more realistic for me - who doesn't have a friend that forgets about you a bit when they have a new love?! Even though he's portrayed as totally over the top, he's still likeable.

It was a really interesting plot, and the two writers worked really well together. I think Will Grayson, Will Grayson managed to mix the obviously fictional/over-the-top with the subtly realistic, the effect of which I really liked. There was only one thing I wasn't a fan of, though, which was how the second Will Grayson describes Tiny when he's supposed to 'like' him. To be honest, it's probably just me being a little too sensitive about weight issues, but likening your boyfriend to the size of a state of America is not something I appreciated, even if it is supposed to be true. The second Will isn't the nicest of characters, which is why I don't rate it higher.

1 comment:

  1. 1분여의 ‘섬총사’ 예고 카지노사이트 【 SUU777.COM 】 가 편에 등장한 고 스핀카지노 가 수희는 본 방송 못지않은 강렬함을 남겼다. 본래 야당은 포커 검찰이나 경찰의 수사에 대해 “야당 탄압”이라고 카지노사이트 가 떠들게 되어 있습니다. 영어원서 읽기나 광고 스핀카지노 가 마케팅,경제신문 읽기,수학교사 되기, C언어 익히기,학생자치법정 인권동아리등이 그것. Program 06인성과 공동체 의식 함양 프로그램매년 특수학교 학생들과 함께하는 인강학교 트래킹 프로그램이나 합창대회,축구? 100명 이상이 참여한 이번 공모전에는 이른둥이 아이를 향한 애틋하고 스핀카지노 가 감동적인 사연과 사진이 다수 접수됐다. 게놈앤메디신(주)의 허가없이 사이트 내의 디자인 및 이미지 등을 무단 사용할 수 없습니다.


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